E1 Technical Essay

10 Sep 2023

One thing about this week’s assignments were that for students who were completely new to HTML and CSS (including me), it was a challenging task for sure. When the week started, I first glanced through the materials (HTML and CSS for beginninger) to see what type of assignments we had to do.

When starting on WOD 3.1 after glancing through the class materials, of course I had no chance of getting it right the first time. I had the HTML and CSS for beginners on my second monitor to walk through every step with trial and errors. By using this type of method (probably not a good one), I was able to practice more and get used to what each codes do. It took me around 17minutes and 30 seconds to finish WOD 3.1 with couple of trial runs.

For WOD 3.2, just like 3.1, I tried to do it on my own at first. This one was not as hard as the first one because we only had to add couple of changes to our HTML using CSS. After running into trouble, I had to ask the class on how to get the logo to be inlined with the text.

WOD 3.3, was the one that probably gave me the most issues. I got stuck on multiple spots, such as making the sections into three columns. I think it was difficult because I just didn’t know exactly where and how to start to do that. When searching for solutions on google, it was telling me to make some “column” stuff but that did not work out for me. Lastly, my classmate sent me the screencast of Prof. Johnson doing it to help me through this assignment.

I think overall for each WODs, I redid each of them at least 3-4 times to get more used to doing each tasks. I think my advice will be to read each modules thouroughly instead of glancing (sounds obvious but you know many of you don’t do it).